Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School
est. 2021

Home of the Brown Bears
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year
Health Office & StudentHealth Services

Welcome to the HMB Health Office!
We believe that healthy children learn better, and we are here to help
support that philosophy every
step of the way.
Introducing....Nurse Bonnie Pepper VIDEO
My name is Bonnie Pepper and I am the Registered Nurse at Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School. I received my Bachelors of Science in Nursing as a second degree in 2010 from Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. My first degree was in Business Administration and I worked in the world of finance before I "pulled the rug out from under myself" to pursue a career in the helping professions. I started my nursing career at Penn State Hershey Medical Center, where I worked in the pediatric and adult emergency department and Level I trauma center. I moved to the Las Vegas area in 2012 and continued my work as an emergency department nurse at Sunrise Hospital and Southern Hills Hospital. I came on board with CCSD as a school nurse in 2015. I enjoy working with my students, and have a passion for helping to guide them towards a healthy lifestyle. peppeb@nv.ccsd.net

Introducing....Health Office Assistant
Mandy Betts
How we can help...
Maintain health records of all students to accommodate a safe and supportive learning environment for each child;
provide TLC for acute illnesses or injuries at school;
administer medications for students requiring them at school;
health education in such topics as hygiene, **puberty, dental care, nutrition, and more;
perform health procedures, treatments, and assessments for those students requiring them in order to attend school;
review student immunizations, and enforce immunization requirements according to guidelines in the state of Nevada;
identify and exclude students with possible contagious conditions to maintain a healthy learning environment;

mandated *vision and hearing screenings for K & 4th grade students;
issue referrals and provide assistance in obtaining follow-up care for acute or chronic conditions, and issues identified in screenings or assessments;
and anything that can help support a healthy child, because we believe that healthy children learn better and achieve more!
* Students may have vision or hearing screening performed, based on state mandates (NRS 392.420). Please notify the school nurse in writing if you do not want your child to participate in any of these screenings. This screening exemption will remain active unless revoked in writing.
** 5th grade students receive an introductory lesson from their teacher in conjunction with the School Nurse on growth and development, usually in the spring. In compliance with Nevada law, (NRS.389.036), a parent or guardian will be required to submit a permission slip, and will have the opportunity to review the learning materials in advance.
Student Health Information
You will be asked to fill out an electronic health information form for your child/ren attending HMB at the beginning of every school year. Please fill it out, even if your child has no health concerns. The information will be shared only with those staff members who may need to know in order to support a safe and healthy environment at school. If there are any changes in your child's health status throughout the year, please contact the school nurse, Mrs. Pepper, at 702-799-2250 (ext 4020) or peppeb@nv.ccsd.net.
Frequently Requested Health Forms
CCF-643: Request for Medication Assistance (Medication Release form)
Parents: please complete one form for each medication your child will have on campus.
HS-166: Anaphylaxis/Epi Pen orders
Licensed Health Care Professional (LHCP) to complete page 1.
Parent to complete page 2.
Parent to submit a CCF-643 for Epinephrine (and a separate one for antihistamine, if ordered).
CCF-652: Physical Activity Medical Report Form
To be completed by LHCP for exemption from PE, recess, or for students requiring protective or assistive devices (i.e., casts, crutches, leg braces, etc.).
CCF-503: Authorization for Release of Confidential Information
You may be asked to complete this form for the nurse to obtain medical records that would be helpful in providing health-related accommodations or assistance to your child at school.
HS-96: Request to Authorize Student Self Administration of Prescribed Medication for Asthma/Anaphylaxis.
​Parent and LHCP will complete this form in order for a student to self-carry and self-administer their inhaler and/or Epi Pen.
Medications at School
All medications must be prescribed by a Licensed Healthcare Provider (LHCP). Over the counter medications may not be self-carried by students, but may be stored in the school health office with a valid LHCP order.
Epinephrine requires a specialized order form (HS-166) completed by LHCP and parent.
Prescription medications must be supplied in the non-expired original bottle or packaging with pharmacy label.
Please contact the health office for any questions - we are here to help!