Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School
est. 2021

Home of the Brown Bears
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year
The Brown Bear Necessities

We are proud to be the Brown Bears!
Bears are smart, brave, hard workers and strong; as well as nurturing and playful.
Our Vision
At Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School, we are a community where all children will be seen, heard, loved and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential. Our entire community is dedicated to building lifelong learners and contributing members of society with cross cultural understandings.

The Five Pillar Mindset of Brown Elementary
What does "Watch what we do to see what we believe" mean? It means actions speak louder than words, very simply. The following five statements are the pillars of our culture, high expectations for self and community and excellence related to achievement and growth. All of our actions, beliefs, decisions and student development will originate from these five foundational pillars. Just watch....
*Create a safe, kind and respectful environment where everyone belongs and
the whole child is developed.
*All students engage in rigorous academic work that is relevant, developmentally
appropriate, culturally responsive and innovative.
*All students feel a sense of value and success for effort and growth as they progress
through a differentiated curriculum.
*All hands on deck! Family engagement and communication are critical in the
Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School community.
*Have fun, smile and be a kid!
Be Brave. Believe in yourself. Be kind.
Encourage and have empathy for others. Encouragement leads to excellence.
Accept yourself and others. Celebrate differences.
Respect yourself, others and community.
Smile! Smiles are contagious!